Karadeniz International Scientific Journal

This is an internationally refereed social science journal that is published every three months (quarterly) in electronic-based and print-based since 2009. The journal publishes four issues each year (March, June, September, and December).

The publication language of this journal is Turkish, English, or Russian.

This is an open-access journal. Therefore, all issues and articles published so far can be accessed free of charge from the journal's website.


Evaluation Process

Double-Blind Peer Review and Evaluation Process

The double-blind peer review process is implemented for the evaluation of articles submitted to our journal. In the double-blind method, the identities of authors and reviewers are concealed. Therefore, authors are requested to remove their name information when uploading their articles to the system. Article evaluation processes are detailed below.

! According to the fee policy, articles for which payment has not been made will not be processed until payment is completed.

Preliminary Evaluation Process

  • For articles submitted to our journal, author(s) are required to upload the copyright form (signed), in PDF format. 
  • Articles must be uploaded to the DergiPark system in full text, prepared in accordance with the writing rules.
  • The articles submitted to our journal are initially reviewed by the editor. At this stage, studies that do not align with the journal's aim and scope, lack originality, and do not comply with publication policies are rejected.
  • For the eligible study, the peer review process is initiated. It is shared with 2 referees, each specialized in the relevant field. As "Karadeniz International Scientific Journal" applies the double-blind peer review principle in the evaluation process, referees cannot see the author of the article.

Referee Assignment and Evaluation Process

  • Suitable studies are sent to 2 reviewers specialized in relevant fields. Reviews are conducted according to the double-blind peer review principle; therefore, reviewers cannot see the authors of the articles.
  • Reviewers are requested feedback on whether they can evaluate the study within a week. Positive feedback reviewers are asked to evaluate the articles within 15 days according to the specified criteria.
  • In case of any delays in the evaluation process, a second one-week period is given or reviewers are changed.
  • If the reviewers give positive evaluations, the articles are sent to language editors and the publication process begins.
  • In case one reviewer rejects the article, a reviewer recommendation is requested from the field editors and the article is re-evaluated by a third reviewer.
  • If the third reviewer also rejects the article, the study is found unsuitable for publication, and the remaining amount is refunded to the authors after deducting the reviewer fee from the article fee.

Request for Corrections to Authors and Editor's Approval:

  • Authors are responsible for making the corrections requested by the reviewers.
  • However, in exceptional cases, authors may insist on their views. In this case, the article can be accepted for publication with the approval of the editor, but authors are required to prove their views.

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