Karadeniz International Scientific Journal

This is an internationally refereed social science journal that is published every three months (quarterly) in electronic-based and print-based since 2009. The journal publishes four issues each year (March, June, September, and December).

The publication language of this journal is Turkish, English, or Russian.

This is an open-access journal. Therefore, all issues and articles published so far can be accessed free of charge from the journal's website.




Efficiently organizing of state governance, improvement of the administration mechanism always is one of the priority problems. When the state is secured with adroit and responsible civil servicers at that time it can serve its people well. States have founded different organizations for supplying the people with cheap, qualitative and democratic civil services and they have appropriated different civil service system for their civil services. During the independence the Civil Service System of Azerbaijan is investigated in the article. Civil service principles, civil services` rights and duties, generally the mechanism of civil service system is reflected in the article.

Key Words: Government, state, worker, official, public personel

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