The purpose of this study is to investigate attitutes of class teachers towards organ donation. Survey model was used in this descriptive study. To this end, organ donation attitute scale in conjunction with a set of demographic questions was applied to a total of 93 class teachers employed in Ardahan. Results obtained from the study revealed that class teachers take a possitive attitute about organ donation. When attitutes of teachers towards organ donation are considered with regards to demographic variances, no statistically important difference was found between the variances of sex and homeland of teachers and their attitutes towards organ donation, in contrast to a statistically meaningful difference between the variances of age, service time and source of knowledge acquisition and attitutes towards organ donation. The statistical difference found between age of teachers and their attitutes about organ donation bounds up with teachers under 25 years of age and those having ages of between 26 and 35 years, in spite of the difference determined for variances of service time and organ donation for teachers having period of service under 1 year or between 6 and 10 years. The statistical difference between source of knowledge acquisition and organ donation is, on the other hand, caused by teachers who keep up with press and visual media. According to results obtained, data regarding ages and service times of teachers are in good agreement and the possitive attitutes of teachers about organdonation is associated with visual media and press as mass communication.
Keywords: Organ donation, Classroom teacher, Bıology Education