Trade ships navigating towards Abkhazia which is a separatist region of Georgia through Black Sea, are seized by Georgia From time to time. Actually, Georgia’s seizing trade ships to Abkhazia on Black Sea is stemmed from the political problem they have been facing. According to Georgia, these ships navigate through Black Sea illegally so they are seized by Georgia. However, these practices have a negative effect on maritime trade on the Black Sea and violate the international law of the sea. Although Georgia is one of the contractors of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea since 1996, she prejudices the right of free pass specified with related articles. This study generally focuses on Georgia’s distrain trade ships navigating on the Black Sea, enabling Georgia immediately to set the ships and crew seized free, measures to be taken by flag state, limits of distrain authorities of littoral states; particularly deals with Georgia’s rights, liabilities and authorities on the Black Sea marine areas within the frame of the UNCLOS which is a universally accepted document dated 1982.
Keywords: UNCLOS, flag state, coastal state, right of navigation