Karadeniz International Scientific Journal

This is an internationally refereed social science journal that is published every three months (quarterly) in electronic-based and print-based since 2009. The journal publishes four issues each year (March, June, September, and December).

The publication language of this journal is Turkish, English, or Russian.

This is an open-access journal. Therefore, all issues and articles published so far can be accessed free of charge from the journal's website.



Seyfullah GÜL

Sport organizations are seen for tourism as an important motivation tool and these organizations have important effects on local, regional and national economies. Besides, the city where these organizations are organized; infrastructure, natural environment and socialization of the people have a number of effects. With an understanding of the importance of international sporting events in Turkey increased interest the country and city-level, initiatives and investments to be host to this event has gained speed. As a result of this effort, Samsun won the right to host the 2017 Deaflympics. The aim of this study is to examine the international sports organizations in the example of Deaflympics Samsun 2017 to positive effects of the city on the economy, infrastructure and socialization and the negative effects of the city on its natural environment to compare existing statistical data with social perception. In order to achieve this goal following the games of "Olympic Games Impact Assessment (OGIA)" the hosts of the Games were applied to the people residing in the towns of Samsun province (Atakum, Bafra, Canik, Çarşamba, İlkadım, Kavak, Ondokuzmayıs, Tekkeköy). In addition, data from Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK), Samsun Culture and Tourism Directorate, Samsun Metropolitan Municipality, Samsun Governorship, International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (ICSD) and Deaflympics 2017 were used to compare the socio-economic and spatial effects of the games of the host community. The findings show that the majority of the participants perceive that Deaflympics Samsun 2017 has a very positive effect on the infrastructure and socialization of the city. The statistical data on the investments made in sports and accommodation infrastructure due to the games and the number of domestic and foreign tourists coming to the city are also consistent with this result. Moreover, the results of the research show that the negative effects of the games on the natural environment of the city increased from the surrounding districts to the city center of Samsun.

Keywords: Tourism, Sport organizations, Deaflympics, Samsun, Social perception.

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