Karadeniz International Scientific Journal

This is an internationally refereed social science journal that is published every three months (quarterly) in electronic-based and print-based since 2009. The journal publishes four issues each year (March, June, September, and December).

The publication language of this journal is Turkish, English, or Russian.

This is an open-access journal. Therefore, all issues and articles published so far can be accessed free of charge from the journal's website.




The aim of the current scholarly work is to present to the wider audience the psychological  portrait of a character based on the poem “ the Master” by Akaki Tsereteli.

“The master” , one of the famous poem has been under the scrutiny and subject of the animated discussion since it was written.  It is almost impossible to find a well- respected scholar who has not touched the subject. The poem was written a century ago but the idea, depth and mesmerizing variety of characters and their complex personalities are as interesting and urgent as it was one hundred year ago.

Therefore, the objective of the given research is the psychological portrait of the main character of the Poem, Batu. In the early stage of the research, using the psychoanalysis method, we anticipate that Batu’s action could not have been triggered by the heat of the moment, rather we think that these actions should have had the precondition in the form of inner sets, which will discuss in the later parts of the research paper.

By using the psychoanalysis method, we think, we have achieved the desired goal of opening up the plethora of inner sets of the main character and it, respectively triggered the proposition of interesting topics, such us:

  • the portrayal of inner sets of an ideal hero, which are described by his unconscious in his actions;
  • finding the links between the constitutive dispositions and the life’s destiny of the character;
  • finding the hidden protest of a character in his unconscious actions towards the social and class segregation
  • finding the roots of the personal conflicts, in a non-direct stage of competition
  • emotional experience of pride, as a trigger of direct competition against the foe
  • finding the links between the unreachable unconscious and the artistic creations

Keywords: Akaki Tsereteli, analytical psychology, psychological portrait, moral self, unconscious self, personal conflict;

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