İsmail GEVAŞ
There are sub-groups in all religions, which incorporate new approaches and practices into basic belief and worshipping styles. These sub-groups emerge as communities with divergent practices from those traditional religious rituals. These religious formations mainly aim to address individuals’ emotional life through mystical approaches. Individuals achieve a greater satisfaction level in these groups with the wish to attain salvation, and they easily become their disciples. At the same time, it is observed that the mentioned mystical sects both meet the spiritual needs of individuals and direct the social actions of these people. In this study, which is limited to the Pakistani and Indian Kavvali religious musical style having its roots in Iran, it has been determined that there are similarities in beliefs, worshipping and music style of Mevlevi and Çisti sects, both of which appeared in the Islamic world after the Xth century HC, having important place in the lives of their followers. These similarities form the basis of this study.
In the study, qualitative analysis method with descriptive features is used. In the end of the study, the similarities between Mevlevi Sect and Çisti Sect, which have been influential in directing people’s attidudes, are presented.
Keywords: Kavvali, Çisti, Çisti Sect, Mevlevi Sect, Mystical Music, Religious Music