The concept of value belongs to human. People form, develop, implement and teach these values in line with the society they live in, their understanding of morality, beliefs and traditions and also how they design the future for their generations to come. Considering from this perspective, one can encounter a few dimensions of the concept of value: universal values, national values, moral values, cultural values, and religious values etc. Among these types of values, the one which is not in conflict with basic human values and can’t be depicted to the local narrowing but at the same time based on the societal practices and future design of a specific society is called National Values. The Republic period of Turkey accepts Turkish National values as an upper identity and starts imprinting them in art, literature and specifically in novels.
The family institution manifests itself as the most basic of the social units that make up the society, in this respect, the establishment, development and solidification of the family will mean the well-grown and healthy structure of society.
This article examines the printed story books in the period between 1935 and 1950, to observe the effects of the newly established political and social state order on the family institution. Main topics in the story books, related to family institution are classified as; the decision to start a family, responsibilities of being a family, a peaceful family structure, dissolution of the family/divorce. During the specified time period, following ideas were derived from the story books; consensus of both spouses for marriage, spouses had equal rights, each spouse needed to contribute to the family and if needed divorce should happen in a civilized way. In conclusion, we observed that story books impact the new society structure through education and guidance.
Keywords: Republic Period, Turkish Story, Values Education, Society, Family Institution