Karadeniz International Scientific Journal

This is an internationally refereed social science journal that is published every three months (quarterly) in electronic-based and print-based since 2009. The journal publishes four issues each year (March, June, September, and December).

The publication language of this journal is Turkish, English, or Russian.

This is an open-access journal. Therefore, all issues and articles published so far can be accessed free of charge from the journal's website.




Historical records and documents from the past to the present have shown that religious understanding, culture, and tradition have always been influential in shaping individual attitudes and behaviors, as well as in the transmission of societal values to subsequent generations in faith-based societies. Through this process, not only individuals but also the moral and character structures of societies have been shaped. It is of great importance for an individual to acquire a profession and to perform their work without conflicting with moral values in order to establish themselves in life and gain status and position in society. In almost every society, individuals with established moral values and professional vision have always maintained their rightful place in society. This study examines the understanding of work and professional ethics among pre-Islamic Turks and during the historical periods of the Seljuks, Ottomans, and the Republic of Turkey. In addition, based on the memory of the Ahilik organization, which played an important role in the education of individuals and the shaping of society, as well as the later guild and lonca organizations, the study focuses on Vocational Training Centers, also known as Apprenticeship Schools, which are part of today's formal education.
Keywords: Work and Profession, Ethics, Ahilik, Apprenticeship, Vocational Education.

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